Thursday, October 28, 2010


Meg Whitman for Governor? Please, don't insult my intelligence.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Doctors, judges, attorneys, policemen, engineers, kings, queens, and Indian Chiefs...these are just a few of the many peeps that I have gotten high with over the years. Okay, scratch 'Kings' (but I have gotten high with a few queens, I swear!) and I think you get my point. I have been getting high for well over 40 years...yet somehow I managed to work for 35 years at the same job, raise a child, buy a house, write a book, and otherwise maintain my status as a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen. In other words, thus far, I've lived a happy life very similar to all of you. Having said that, lets explore why I think you should vote 'YES' on Prop. 19, the marijuana initiative.

First, by controlling the sale and distribution of marijuana in a similar manner as we control alcohol, we call the shots. The initiative allows for personal use by adults. It allows for the prosecution, with severe penalties, for those who would illegally sell weed to those under 21 or for those who choose to drive under its influence. Additionally, it maintains the rights of employers to drug-test employees.

Second, Prop. 19 shifts law enforcement resources to more violent crimes. I mean, seriously, nobody ever robbed a liquor store to get their next joint. Nobody ever beat their spouse or kids because they smoked too much marijuana. Not to mention, it would make a huge dent in the funding of violent drug cartels, outside of our borders, who currently make 60% of their money from the illegal American marijuana market.

And lastly, the future annual revenue from taxation on legal marijuana sales (not to mention the bakery goods! HA!) has been estimated to be 1.4 billion, yes, say it with me, 1.4 BILLION dollars! Also, California would save vast sums when we stop the prosecution and incarceration of people who are just trying to relax.

Did you know the enormous pharmaceutical industry, for the most part, is against the legalization of pot? No doubt. Not a huge surprise when you consider they would lose a great deal of profit when our citizens are simply able to light up rather than buying an often expensive prescription drug to take the edge off.

Pot-smokers know the truth of it. For those of you who don't partake, look around might be surprised to find out which of your friends and neighbors do.

So, peeps, on November 2nd, step into that voting booth and VOTE YES ON PROP. 19! It really is a no-brainer, no pun intended.

(To view the actual wording of Prop. 19, visit . This is the website of California's Legislative Analysts office and it offers a non-partisan look at this and other issues on the ballot.)

Til next time.
(And, please, don't bogart that joint. *wink*)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Uhhhhh...ya know...Ummmm...

Regarding last evening's gubernatorial debate...

"Uhhhh...ya know...Ummmm". That is all Nut-Meg could say when she was forced to go off her agendized talking points. The smart panel wouldn't let her get away with it and she seemed surprised by that. At least THEY knew what THEIR job was. From the very first question, which she ignored as she dove into her own agenda, it was clear that the evening was going to be a hoot.

While Jerry was straightforward and often comedic in his responses, Nut-Meg was taken aback by the gall of anyone who questioned the significance of her often rambling replies.

She pushed the idea that she wants to de-regulate and de-tax corporations so that they will bring their business back to California. Really? Those silly Republicans still think the voters are stupid. Seems to me that idea only serves to answer the question as to why she has spent so much of her own money on this campaign. Dare I say it? I am sure, should she be elected, she will reap HUGE bonuses ($$) from various entities who are in the same club as she is so devoted to. Keep in mind, the entire Bush administration belonged to that club, too, and as they de-regulated and de-taxed on a federal level, the economy that affected us normal folks sank into a pit that we will be lucky to climb out of in 15 years. While the ultra rich get ultra richer.

Nut-Meg seems soooo tough on immigration....yet this morning's news tells us that she employed an illegal alien as a housekeeper for nine years. Her response to the question was that she fired the housekeeper the minute she learned of her illegal status. News sources tell us something different. The housekeeper got fired only when Nut-Meg decided to run for office and figured (correctly) it might cause a bump in the road to the Capitol. Bump, bump, bump.

All of the above, coupled with the fact that she didn't bother to register to vote until just recently, tells me she isn't exactly in the race because she cares about California.

Jerry, on the other hand, came off as a more than knowledgeable Californian who has always spoke his mind truthfully, even when his ideas weren't popular. He was against the death penalty but invoked the law while he was in office was the law. He told us that thousands and thousands of jobs would be created if California would lead the nation in green energy. With that in mind, please remember, Jerry spoke of environmental issues 40 years ago when everyone deemed it a politically crazy move. Keep in mind that during his last tenure as Governor, he refused to live in the Governor's mansion, choosing instead to reside in a small and much less expensive and energy efficient apartment across the street from the Capitol. He also insisted on driving his own rather old economy car at the time rather than opting for limos or Cadillacs, the standard of the day for elected officials.

I wonder what Nut-meg drives? (Besides driving all of us little peeps crazy.)
Til next time.....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am so tired of Republicans saying they want to get back to the values and ideals of our original Constitution. The only constitution they want to get back to is the one espoused by the Bush Administration.

The Republicans would like to get back to:

1. Tax cuts and loopholes for the Ultra-Rich. (Isn't their reasoning a bit obvious?)
2. No national healthcare. And no limits to healthcare costs or health insurance costs. No regulation of pharmaceutical companies. (I guess the religious right thinks that PRAYING for good health should be enough.)
3. More deregulation of investment corporations. (Does anyone remember what this did to the economy? Oh, wait...we are still reaping the rewards of that!)
4. Deregulation of oil companies. (Hello, BP, welcome aboard!)
5. Less environmental oversight. (The sky isn't falling, after all. The sky IS getting mighty hot and mighty grey, peeps!)
6. A really good war, some really good torture techniques, and we'll have 'em right where we want 'em. (Really? How's that workin so far?)

Personally, I really don't think we have to worry about the Republicans. Regardless of what the media is tossing our way (proving that Fox Schmooze is an entertainment channel...not a news channel), I doubt the Reps have the sense to change their game plan. Think about it...they've got Palin (yikes), Gingrich (double yikes), and who is that guy from Utah? They are pandering to The Tea Party at every turn, hoping to round them up and stick an elephant pin on their lapel before Election Day. Some Tea Party candidates may be winning a few primaries but the American people will never allow those loony tunes to take charge of anything. Especially since all they do is whine without a plan. And even more problematic, there is nary a black, brown or purple person in the bunch. A whole lotta grey at those rallies, tho.

Republicans will play their cards exactly as they did in the last election...their fantasy stories and rumors won't make any more sense this time then last time. Their straw-grabbing will be greatly overshadowed by the Dems who will (mostly) tell it like it is. From Healthcare to Iraq to The Economy...Obama is fulfilling promises. You may not agree with every little thing he does, but he IS making headway toward an America that we knew 10 years ago. (It took 8 long years to get us in this will take the Obama adminstration about that long to get us out of it.)

Friday, September 3, 2010


I am a registered independent but I watched the debate on Wednesday between Senator Boxer and Ms. Fiorina.

Obviously, Ms. Boxer won. No doubt about that. Ms. Fiorina came off as just another money-motivated Republican not unlike her friend, Ms. Whitman (more on that bitch in future posts). I predict some panic-induced Hail Mary moves by Ms. Fiorina's campaign as we draw closer and closer to Election Day. Enough said about Ms. Fiorina.

I also, however, have some problems with Senator Boxer. I checked her voting record and although Ms. Boxer has represented my views on many issues and bills, I discovered some surprising results.

In the past, Senator Boxer has voted:

YES - on loosening restrictions regarding wire tapping of YOUR phone
(Seems a bit scary to me.)

YES - on Congressional pay raises (2009)
(In this economy? Not exactly a move reflecting political genius.)

YES - on allowing illegal immigrants to participate in Social Security

YES - on automatic visas for skilled workers
(Really? When lots of skilled American citizens are unemployed?)

NO - on limiting Congressional gifts
(Tells me she is enrolled in the 'Gifts for Favorable Votes' program)

NO - on establishing committee to oversee Public Integrity
(See above 'NO' vote on limiting Congressional gifts.)

NO - on banning Partial Birth Abortions
(I am Pro-Choice. I am Anti-Baby Torture. Please
Google 'Partial Birth Abortions' for a reality check.)

NO - on Balanced Budget Amendment (1997)

NO - on limiting welfare for illegal immigrants

Just sayin.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is America. The same America to which our forefathers fled to avoid religious persecution. An America where ALL are created equal. It is an America that doesn’t, or at least, shouldn’t pick religious favorites in its zest for safety and security.

Just to set the record straight, the idea of separation of Church and State is NOT addressed in The Constitution. Look it up. However, that idea was addressed by our forefathers elsewhere and often. It is a very basic concept within the vast (thankfully!) scope of American freedom and choice.

The folks who attacked us on September 11, 2001 were evil people. Yes, they were Muslims. Bad Muslims. But they are not representative of the whole of the Muslim community, either in America or elsewhere around the world. Just as Timothy McVeigh, a devout Christian, was a bad Christian. Responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, he certainly did not represent the views of other Christians, in America or elsewhere around the world.

The Americans that died in both of these tragedies were of every faith. I’m sure there were also many like myself who died... hardworking Americans who were not associated with any traditional religion.

Terrorists, no matter where they are from, don’t care.

I don’t care what religion you are. You have a right to build a church, a mosque, a temple, or a deli any frickin place you want in America.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


I'm baaaaaaaack! Yep, I've decided since the end of my book coincided with the amazing uptake of all things political as of late, I'm going to start my blog again. If you were entertained by this blog just prior to the 2008 election and for a few days after, stay tuned. The only problem is there is almost too much going on in politics... locally, California statewide (Can you say budget, marijuana, and gay rights all in the same sentence? Oh, and that dreaded Meg Whitman.), and nationally (upcoming election, BP disaster, immigration, and lest we forget...the economy). It will take a real effort on my part to stick to one controversy at a time. Probably won't happen.

I will be posting a head's-up on Facebook whenever I publish something new. So fasten your seatbelts, peeps, its going to be a wild ride.